From the President
It’s January, and what I like to think of as the “thankfulness season” is over for another year. I work for a public school district, and during November when I am out and about at the school sites, I see lots of turkey artwork and “Thankfulness” essays posted on bulletin boards. At my church it’s time to collect food for Thanksgiving baskets for those less fortunate than us, and to start getting organized for our Christmas gift drive. We sing hymns of praise and thanksgiving, and on the fourth Thursday of the month we gather with friends and family around a groaning board and stuff ourselves silly. It’s a wonderful, cozy, joyful time of the year.
On a personal note, 2018 was a wonderful, blessed year for our family, as our beloved daughter got married in November to an awesome young man. My husband and I are overjoyed as they start their life together. We gathered with family and friends to celebrate and wish them joy at our family home in Virginia, and also here in California.
There is so much to be thankful for!
And I am always thankful for you, our ICSF friends and supporters. Without you, 250 scholars around the world might not have an opportunity to better their lives, provide for their families, and give back to their communities. Your generosity builds an ever upward cycle of hope and gratefulness. Thank you!
I am finishing up my 18th year as a Board member of ICSF, and so will be retiring from my official capacity on the Board. However, I will always be a supporter and life-long friend to ICSF. This is truly a wonderful organization, doing great things for students around the world. It has been my absolute pleasure to serve. See you at the luncheon!
Susan Cross Hume