Partner School Spotlight
Saint Tonis College is located in the Northern part of Luzon, Philippines. It is a church related educational institution under the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. It was formerly called Kalinga Christian Learning Center. It started only as an elementary and a high school institution. In 2004, The Board of Trustees applied for a permit to open a college of Nursing. The school name was changed to Saint Tonis College named after a church in Germany that has been helping the school. The college has expanded to offering Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education. There are currently nine ICSF scholars in Saint Tonis College 3 of which are pictured here.
As a Christian school, it is committed to seek a life of faith, learning and action that shall develop people into becoming intellectually competent and honest, morally and ethically sensitive, creatively aware and responsive to the needs, aspiration of a just, free and responsible social order.
To develop student’s academic excellence based on the mastery of the fundamentals.
To provide an environment where the school community can find creative expression of their freedom and faith as human beings.
To instill Christian principles as basis in molding high moral conduct in the life of the youth.
To equip students with vocational skills to enable them earn a decent and meaningful living.
To encourage students to appreciate, value and preserve the Filipino Culture and develop an appreciation of other cultures.
To extend the school services to the community to empower the indigenous Kalingas to become aware of their potentials, needs and problems, analyze and solve them.
Clinic – for medical check up and a place for students who need medical services. It is manned by a nurse and a part-time doctor. • Canteen – offers nutritious foods to students/pupils and faculty. • Guidance and Testing program • Community Services • Training for Parents and Reproductive Health, Control of Communicable Diseases, and proper Nutrition and Livelihood.
Special Features of the School:
Accredited Level 11 status for both High School and Elementary school.
Only Nursing School in the whole province of Kalinga (Kalingas are one of the indigenous groups.)
Indigenized Curriculum in the High School to make education relevant to the history, culture and life of the community.
Special thrust on Values Education the Christian Education.
Provides an environment of freedom and Christian lifestyle.
Computer education is offered to all students in the school.